Vacancies – Executive Committee: Additional Member

Additional Member:

Job description:

The ideal additional member of the Executive committee will be a strong leader with excellent communication skills. They will need to handle a particular portfolio within the SADRA executive.

Duties and responsibilities:

  • Assist with sourcing and maintain sponsors for SADRA events.
  • Manage a particular portfolio within the SADRA executive committee, confirmed by the Exco.
  • Serve as a voting member of the SADRA Executive Committee.
  • Spokesperson for Deaf rugby

Qualifications and experience:

  • Experience working with the Deaf community is preferred.
  • Knowledge of SASL is preferred.
  • Computer/technology literate.
  • Experience in rugby (advantageous) or other sporting code – administration, marketing, PR

A background in education and a current involvement in the sport (eg. as a coach, player, or referee) will be considered advantageous. Good planning and time management are also key requirements.

This post will focus on disability sports, developing women’s rugby, and youth development as its key pillars.

Nomination process:

Confirm acceptance of your nomination by submitting a CV, in .pdf format and not longer than 2 pages, using the form below.

Job type:
Volunteer, potential for remuneration based on sponsorship commissions & growth of the organization.

Upload CV